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The Inca Trail is one of the most famous treks in the world, leading to the ancient city of Machu Picchu in Peru. Along the way, hikers traverse diverse ecosystems, from cloud forests to alpine tundras, and explore archaeological sites left behind by the Inca civilization. The culmination of the trek is the sunrise over Machu Picchu, a moment that leaves every traveler in awe.



Adventure itinerary

  • Day 1

    Start from Cusco, preparation and briefing.

  • Day 2

    Begin the hike, explore Llactapata ruins.

  • Day 3

    Trek through Warmiwañusca, the highest point of the trail.


It’s a moderate to challenging trek, with some steep sections. Proper acclimatization is essential.

Yes, permits are required and are limited in number. It’s advisable to book months in advance.